Elden Ring is currently one of the most highly praised games in recent memory and also having its fair share of troubles on PC and PS5. Most recently, tons of Xbox players have reported being unable to play the open world RPG online since it launched yesterday.

While the center piece of Elden Ring is its beautiful, harsh, and mysterious single-player adventure, coop and multiplayer also play an important role. As in previous Dark Souls games, players can invade one another’s games to fight or offer help with difficult bosses. Except, apparently, on Xbox where players say they keep getting bombarded with network error messages when they try to play the game in online mode.

“Has not worked for 36 hours,” wrote one player on the Elden Ring subreddit in a post that’s been getting thousands of upvotes. ‘Please FromSoftware acknowledge and update us.” There are a bunch of other discussions of the issue across the rest of Reddit, Discord, and Twitter as well. Tweets from the official Elden Ring account, as well as Xbox mascot Larry Hyrb’s account, have been bombarded with comments about the issue as well.

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