Tea is a popular beverage enjoyed across the globe, and for good reason: it has a wide range of health benefits. In this article, we’ll explore some of the different types of tea and how to find the right one for you. We’ll also suggest some tips for brewing tea the right way so that you can get the most out of its flavor and health benefits.

What is Tea?

Tea is one of the most enjoyed drinks in the world. It is a brewed drink made from Camellia synesis leaves and is often served with sweeteners, such as honey or syrups. There are many different types of tea, each with its own unique flavor profile. If you’re looking to explore the world of tea, you’ll need to know about the different types and how to find the perfect tea for you.

The Different Types of Tea

When it comes to finding the perfect tea for you, there are a few different types to consider. Whether you’re looking for a gentle relaxer or an energizing pick-me-up, there’s a type of tea that’s perfect for you.

Black Tea: Black teas are made from the dried leaves and flowers of the Camellia sinensis plant. They are typically less acidic than other teas and have a strong flavor. They can be served hot or cold and make a great morning drink or evening relaxer. Try Republic of Tea’s Breakfast Blend black tea for a delicious and lively cup.

Green Tea: Green teas are made from either the young leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant or the buds and young twigs. Green teas have a slightly sweet taste and can be enjoyed both hot and cold. Republic of Tea’s Herbal Honey Green Tea is a refreshing choice for any time of day.

White Tea: White tea is a lightly flavored tea that is typically light green and has a sweet, floral taste. It is often enjoyed for its health benefits, including aiding in weight loss and reducing inflammation. White Tea is the rarest and least processed of all the teas. The production is indigenous to a small area of North Fujian, China. White tea is known for its mild, delicate taste and complexity in flavors as well as its cooling and detoxifying properties. White tea contains the least amount of caffeine and has the most antioxidants.

Oolong Tea: Oolong tea is a mildly flavored black tea that can be either light or dark in color. It has a rich, woodsy taste and can be enjoyed for its health benefits, including aiding in weight loss and reducing inflammation.

Tea Benefits

There are many different types of tea, each with its own unique benefits. Whether you’re looking to relax after a long day or boost your energy for the next one, there’s a tea out there that’s perfect for you. Here are some of the most common types of tea and their corresponding benefits:

Green Tea – One of the most popular types of tea, green tea is known for its antioxidant properties and ability to help lower blood pressure. It also contains caffeine, which can help give you an energy boost.

Oolong Tea – Also known as “black tea with a twist,” oolong tea has a sweet taste and a mellower flavor than green tea. This makes it a great choice if you want to drink something without the caffeine kick but still want some of the benefits offered by green tea.

Black Tea – Black tea is traditionally made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis bush. It has a strong flavor and is best consumed hot or cold. Black tea is especially good for those who are looking to boost their energy levels.

The flavor of the Tea

Mild Teas

  • White Hair Silver Needle — the mildest tea of all; the highest quality white tea and one of the ten “China Famous Teas”; given its reputation and quality, surprisingly affordable.
  • Golden Monkey Tea — the black tea equivalent of white hair silver needle (both use only the youngest buds); mild black tea from China; very high quality and not easy to find; not yet popular in the west, so still quite cheap. 

Strong Teas

  • Lapsang Souchong — strong, smoky black tea from China; a good choice for former coffee drinkers; try a sample size first, since people tend to either love or hate this one.
  • Pu-erh tea — post-fermented tea from China with a unique earthy flavor that varies a lot among varieties; most Pu-erh teas get better (and more expensive) with age; many collectors buy them as an investment.
  • Sencha — Japanese green tea with a strong “green tea flavor”; the most popular tea in Japan and very affordable; great value; one of my favorites.

Relaxation and Stress Relief

The best teas for relaxation are ones infused with jasmine. The essence of the jasmine flower has been shown to have additional calming effects on top of those already provided by tea.

A lot of herbal teas are also great for relaxation and helping you sleep. Our article on the best tea for sleep aid has more.

  • Jasmine Silver Needle Tea — the highest quality jasmine tea made from the famous White Hair Silver Needle white tea; wonderful jasmine aroma with a sweet and mellow flavor.
  • Jasmine Green Teas — jasmine-infused green teas give you a wide range of options, from expensive and high quality to cheap and average. 

How to Choose a Tea

Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world, with only the following water. It has been grown, harvested, and consumed for thousands of years with many parts of the globe developing their distinct varieties and tea culture. There are over three thousand blends available with more flavors being developed every day. With so many to choose from, it may seem overwhelming to just choose one. So let us help!

Choosing a tea to drink is just like choosing an entrée off the menu! Simply think of flavors or elements you like then find the teas that correspond. For example, if you enjoy the taste of fruits, then you should try our Pineapple Herbal Tea. For those that enjoy more floral scents and flavors, then our Organic Kyoto Cherry Rose Green Tea is an excellent choice. For coffee lovers who want to try out tea for the first time, our chocolate Cappuccino or Almond Biscotti would make a great transition. It’s just that easy!

Caffeine Content

There is a lot of misinformation out there about the caffeine content of tea and much of it comes from generally reputable sources.

The type of tea does not determine the caffeine content. You cannot say that white tea, for example, has more or less caffeine than green or black (generally white tea’s caffeine content is quite high).

The caffeine content depends on several factors: the plant variety (the plant used in Fujian teas is low in caffeine, for example), roasting (roasted teas are generally lower in caffeine, but not always), maturity of the leaves (larger, more mature leaves have less caffeine) and the number of leaves used in preparation as well as the steeping time.

Here are a few teas with low and high caffeine content:

Low Caffeine Content

  • Houjicha — is a roasted Japanese green tea, meaning it has less caffeine than other green teas; often given to children in Japan, due to lower caffeine.
  • Lapsang Souchong — Chinese black tea made from mature leaves, meaning less caffeine; strong and smoky; try a sample size first, since people tend to either love or hate this one.
  • Big Red Robe Tea — oolong tea from Fujian Province; oolong teas are generally roasted, giving them a lower caffeine content, but this is not always true; since this one is roasted and comes from Fujian, it has less caffeine than other oolong teas.

High Caffeine Content

  • Matcha — green tea powder, meaning the whole leaves are consumed; as a result, it has far and away the most caffeine, but also the most nutrients; the healthiest tea.
  • Gyokuro — highest quality green tea; shade-grown means more nutrients and more caffeine in the leaves; expensive.
  • White Hair Silver Needle Tea — high-quality white tea made from only the young buds, which means high caffeine content; the mildest tea of all; one of the ten “China Famous Teas”; given the reputation and quality, surprisingly affordable. 
  • Golden Monkey Tea — black tea made from only the youngest buds and leaves; mild, very high quality, and rare; not yet popular in the west, so still quite cheap 

Buy The Top Quality Tea From Harrods

Whether you’re looking for loose leaf tea or a selection of tea bags, you’ll find the perfect brew at Harrods. From a classic cup of Earl Grey to anti-oxidising green tea, take you pick from Harrods’ own extensive range, Kissa, Choi Time and more. Plus, look no further than our edit of tea gift packs and accessories to find the perfect present for connoisseurs. 

If you’re looking to improve your tea drinking experience, it’s important to buy the top quality tea from a reputable source. Harrods is a great place to start, as they carry a variety of different types of tea. Here are some of the most popular types of tea and their corresponding Harrods locations.

The first thing to consider is what type of tea you want. There are green, black, oolong, white, and pu-erh teas. Green teas are the most common and are probably what everyone is familiar with. They are made from leaves that have been steamed or boiled. Black teas are made from leaves that have been roasted and have a stronger flavor than green teas. Oolong teas are made from leaves that have been steamed and then boiled again. White teas are made from leaves that have not been processed at all and they have a delicate flavor. Pu-erh teas are a type of black tea that is fermented for a long time before it is brewed.

After you know what type of tea you want, the next step is to find out where to buy it. Most tea shops will carry a variety of different types of tea, but make sure to check out the reviews before buying anything. Harrods has some of the best quality tea.