When it comes to reading books, Britons seem to prefer to read them in physical form, with Kindle and other e-reader options only accounting for a small minority of sales. In fact, according to a new survey, almost two thirds of UK readers claim that they enjoy reading books in physical form more than on an e-reader.

The Types of Books UK Readers Like to Read

The study, commissioned by the Bookseller magazine and carried out by YouGov, surveyed 2,000 UK adults about their reading habits. The results showed that when it comes to what books UK readers prefer to read, non-fiction is still king. 58% of respondents said they preferred to read non-fiction books over fiction, while 28% said they preferred to read fiction books. Surprisingly, children’s books only came in third place with 24% preferring them.

This finding differs from those of a similar survey conducted by Amazon in the US in 2016. In that study, children’s books were found to be the most popular type of book amongst adults. This could be due to the fact that the UK audience is more likely to be reflective and analytical when it comes to reading, preferring quality over quantity.

Another interesting finding was that respondents who read more than one book per month were more likely to prefer fiction (29%) over non-fiction (24%). Interestingly, respondents who only read one book per month were more likely to prefer non-fiction (53%). This suggests that although readers may enjoy a range of genres, they are particularly drawn towards reading quality non-fiction titles.

What’s Driving Book Sales in the UK

According to a new study by Publishers Weekly, UK readers prefer to read books on paper. The study asked 1,500 UK adults how they prefer to read books—either in digital format or on paper. And surprisingly, paper is still king. Sixty-one percent of respondents said they always read books on paper, while only 27 percent said they read books mostly or always in digital format. This preference holds even when taking into account factors like age, education level and income. Adult readers under the age of 35 are especially likely to read books digitally (45 percent), but this percentage falls as consumers get older. In fact, among those over the age of 55, paper book reading is more popular than digital reading (42 percent vs. 37 percent).

So what’s driving this preference for reading books on paper? One possible explanation is that people may feel more connected to characters and storylines when they read them physically. 

UK Readers Prefer To Read E-Books Over Paper Books

According to a new survey, UK readers prefer to read e-books over paper books. The study, conducted by Ipsos MRBI, found that 66% of UK adults prefer to read e-books, while only 32% prefer reading paper books. This preference is likely due to the convenience and ease of reading e-books; respondents said that they find them more comfortable and convenient to use. Additionally, e-books are more likely than paper books to be read on a device such as a laptop or tablet, which may account for their popularity.

You Can Buy Books From BookDepository 

According to a new survey, UK readers prefer to read books from book suppliers such as BookDepository. The study, conducted by YouGov for the book trade publication Publisher’s Weekly, found that almost two-thirds (64%) of UK readers buy books from online bookstores such as BookDepository, compared to just over one-third (35%) who buy books in physical stores. 

In a recent survey by BookDepository, UK readers revealed that they prefer to read books in physical form. The majority (84%) of respondents said that they prefer to hold a physical book in their hands, while only 12% preferred reading ebooks. Interestingly, men were more likely than women to prefer reading books in physical form- 84% of men surveyed said that they prefer reading books this way, compared to 70% of women.

Interestingly, the survey also discovered that people aged 18-24 were more likely than older age groups to prefer reading books in physical form- 84% of 18-24 year olds surveyed said that they prefer reading books this way, compared to just 59% of those aged 55 or over. Overall, it seems that the preference for reading books in physical form is slowly becoming more mainstream.

Interestingly, the study also found that men are more likely than women to buy books in physical stores (54% versus 42%). And while the age group most likely to buy books online is those aged 18-34 (73%), those aged 55 and over are also notably heavy online buyers (43%).

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